Greetings fellow Vigilant Citizens,
This doctor will be able to make a better diagnosis once he reviews your insurance benefits.
This laid-off IRS agent found a new job checking receipts at a Costco exit.
The Trump boys got their tongues frozen to the White House. (If you don’t understand this reference, I recommend that you set aside the next hour and a half to enhance your education by watching A Christmas Story. I triple dog dare you.)
Trump is finding it more difficult to deal with Ukraine than with Russia. Although there are many good reasons to doubt Trump, I’m grateful that Kamala Harris is not negotiating with Putin or Zelensky. That would be even worse than watching the recent LeBron James fiasco. (see also here and here)

The Democrat party is drowning in rage and envy. Conservatism, on the other hand, is a recipe for happiness. The real problem in Washington D.C. is that there are too many Democrats (because Democrats are good at taking over institutions but horrible at running them). Even though mental illness is a myth, there is even evidence to suggest that there is a direct correlation between leftism and mental illness.
I had never heard of Michelle Trachtenberg before reading this article, but I don’t doubt but that her untimely death was a result of occult elite programming. Very sad.
My dad took a 1-hour seminary course in demonology. He let me read the textbook. I've found that many behaviors of the people I have seen in "mental health" and a lot of the traits associated with "severe mental illness" are also found with possession and oppression. People who vote for leftwing politics are more apt to live in what God's Word calls sin--which opens the soul up to dark influences. So do mind altering drugs. Psychiatrists may mean well, but they are doing the devil's work.